PhpTracIT icon  OS used by visitor client devices

- visits

Statistics for Human Visitors:
Number of different Human Client OS families found: 7
Number of different Human Client OS versions found: 56
Total viewed webpages by Human visitors for the period: 4945
Total visit sessions by Human visitors for the period: 4620
Total unique Human visitors for the period: 3758
Analyzed log period: 30 days

Top 10 OS used by Human clients, viewed in pie charts

Top 10 Human Client OS families

Top 10 Human Client OS versions

Operating Systems used by human clients, listed in tables

Sorted on: Frequency
Rank OS Family Tree Freq
  1 iOS iPhone (Info) 2009
1:1 16.5 1244
1:2 16.6 217
1:3 16.1 136
1:4 16.3 122
1:5 15.7 99
1:6 16.0 52
1:7 16.2 45
1:8 15.6 27
1:9 15.5 16
1:10 16.4 12
1:11 14.7 8
1:12 17.0 6
1:13 14.8 6
1:14 14.6 4
1:15 14.2 3
1:16 15.4 3
1:17 15.1 2
1:18 14.4 2
1:19 15.3 2
1:20 15.0 1
1:21 12.5 1
1:22 11.4 1
  2 Android (Info) 1879
2:1 10 1480
2:2 13 252
2:3 12 60
2:4 11 26
2:5 ? 22
2:6 9 12
2:7 8.0 12
2:8 8.1 5
2:9 7.0 5
2:10 6.0 2
2:11 5.1 2
2:12 4.4 1
  3 Windows (Info) 570
3:1 10 559
3:2 7 9
3:3 8.1 2
  4 Mac OS X (Info) 360
4:1 10.1 360
  5 iOS iPad (Info) 83
5:1 16.5 30
5:2 12.5 15
5:3 16.3 10
5:4 16.6 9
5:5 15.5 7
5:6 15.7 5
5:7 15.4 1
5:8 15.1 1
5:9 14.8 1
5:10 14.7 1
5:11 14.0 1
5:12 12.4 1
5:13 10.3 1
  6 Linux (Info) 23
6:1 x86_64 21
6:2 Ubuntu 2
  7 Chrome OS (Info) 21
7:1 114 17
7:2 112 2
7:3 93.0 2
Sorted on: Frequency
Rank OS family Freq
1 iOS iPhone (Info) 2009
2 Android (Info) 1879
3 Windows (Info) 570
4 Mac OS X (Info) 360
5 iOS iPad (Info) 83
6 Linux (Info) 23
7 Chrome OS (Info) 21
Sorted on: Frequency
Rank OS version Freq
1 Android10 (Info) 1480
2 iOS iPhone 16.5 (Info) 1244
3 Windows 10 (Info) 559
4 Mac OS X 10.1 (Info) 360
5 Android13 (Info) 252
6 iOS iPhone 16.6 (Info) 217
7 iOS iPhone 16.1 (Info) 136
8 iOS iPhone 16.3 (Info) 122
9 iOS iPhone 15.7 (Info) 99
10 Android12 (Info) 60
11 iOS iPhone 16.0 (Info) 52
12 iOS iPhone 16.2 (Info) 45
13 iOS iPad 16.5 (Info) 30
14 iOS iPhone 15.6 (Info) 27
15 Android11 (Info) 26
16 Android ? (Info) 22
17 Linux x86_64 (Info) 21
18 Chrome OS 114 (Info) 17
19 iOS iPhone 15.5 (Info) 16
20 iOS iPad 12.5 (Info) 15
21 Android 8.0 (Info) 12
22 Android9 (Info) 12
23 iOS iPhone 16.4 (Info) 12
24 iOS iPad 16.3 (Info) 10
25 Windows 7 (Info) 9
26 iOS iPad 16.6 (Info) 9
27 iOS iPhone 14.7 (Info) 8
28 iOS iPad 15.5 (Info) 7
29 iOS iPhone 17.0 (Info) 6
30 iOS iPhone 14.8 (Info) 6
31 iOS iPad 15.7 (Info) 5
32 Android 8.1 (Info) 5
33 Android 7.0 (Info) 5
34 iOS iPhone 14.6 (Info) 4
35 iOS iPhone 14.2 (Info) 3
36 iOS iPhone 15.4 (Info) 3
37 iOS iPhone 15.1 (Info) 2
38 Windows 8.1 (Info) 2
39 Chrome OS 112 (Info) 2
40 iOS iPhone 15.3 (Info) 2
41 Linux Ubuntu (Info) 2
42 Android 6.0 (Info) 2
43 Android 5.1 (Info) 2
44 Chrome OS 93.0 (Info) 2
45 iOS iPhone 14.4 (Info) 2
46 iOS iPad 14.0 (Info) 1
47 iOS iPad 14.7 (Info) 1
48 iOS iPad 15.4 (Info) 1
49 iOS iPad 15.1 (Info) 1
50 Android 4.4 (Info) 1
51 iOS iPhone 12.5 (Info) 1
52 iOS iPhone 15.0 (Info) 1
53 iOS iPad 14.8 (Info) 1
54 iOS iPad 10.3 (Info) 1
55 iOS iPhone 11.4 (Info) 1
56 iOS iPad 12.4 (Info) 1

PhpTrackIT Core Plugin: Client_Operating_System, Version 1.2, 2017
Copyright © 2010 - 2017 Bosse at
Visa BesöksStatistik:

Loggat av: PhpTrackIT
(max 1 besök loggas per 0.5 hr per unik besökare¹ och webbsida)

Hela webbplatsen:
- Webbsidor¹ senaste 30 dygnen: 5754 av personer² & 3489 av robotar²
- Webbsidor¹ senaste 24hr: 137 av personer² & 186 av robotar²

- Unika besökare¹ senaste 24hr: 111 personer², 51 robotar²
- Webbsidor per unik besökare senaste 24hr: 1.2/person², 3.6/robot²

- Unika besökare¹ senaste 30 dygnen: 3777 personer², 1081 robotar²
- Webbsidor per unik besökare senaste 30 dygnen: 1.5/person², 3.2/robot²

- Snitt senaste 30 dygnen (webbsidor/24hr): 192 av personer² & 116 av robotar²
- Snitt senaste 30 dygnen (unika besökare/24hr): 125.9 personer² & 36.0 robotar²
- Robotar utgör 37.7% av besöken senaste 30 dygnen

- Max webbsidor/24hr: 478 av personer, 2020-07-28
- Max unika besökare/24hr: 311 personer, 2021-05-27
- Max webbsidor/30dygn: 9523 av personer, 2020-08-03
- Max unika besökare/30dygn: 4804 personer, 2020-08-03
  Max statistik loggad sedan: 2017-12-31

- Server time uses for PhpTrackIT logging:
- Primary log: 319.4 ms (log time part affecting webpage load time)
- Secondary log: XXX ms (asynchronous log time not affecting webpage load time)
- Ping time (Server-Browser-Server Internet round-trip time, via Php/Ajax): XXX ms
- ServertimeThis: 0.4 (ms), inclusive Includetime: 0.1 (ms)

¹ Enligt en anonym unik virtuell besökare algoritm (UVV, Unique Virtual Visitor).
² Enligt en robot-igenkännande algorithm som effektivt skiljer på robot- och person-besök.


Contact about the viewed logged statistic tracks, see at site:

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Copyright © 2005-2023 Bosse at
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Client Operating System
 Webpage, Server time: 431 ms, of that Plugin: 110 ms ||